Evangelization must not only be a drive to gain more adherents to the faith and to the community; rather evangelization must be defined as a collective effort driven by impassioned witnesses of Christ in a search and rescue of as many men as possible.
This is the overall objective of this year’s Servants of the Lord International Conference held in Baybay, Leyte last 27th to 29th March 2009.
Thus, the organizers of the conference made it clear to one and all that in order for this objective to be achieved, everyone have to work in unison; not merely waiting or being passive but to be more alert and pro-active – a real search and rescue operation of the lost. For the lost will not exert any effort to find the right path, rather it must be the duty of every men of God to find them and secure their spiritual safety.
The main reason why such an order for all SOLD members is being issued is due to what is happening in our world today. According to SOLD International Coordinator Manny Garcia morality and the definition of what is right and what is wrong are being subjected to a relentless attack. Even the community is not spared: there are members who have lain low from attending the community’s services due to emotional issues; pressures from work and family; and most of all because of the lures of a hedonistic world.
Since men are inclined for more actions than mere talks, the highlight of the conference is in the
In the morning, the teams were tasked to finish five missions in the shortest time possible: raft relay, obstacle course, Takeshi style water bomb, River treasure and an analytical and deductive mental game called Who owns the Zebra. Since these activities require team effort and building their own stratagems, it provided opportunities to build close relationship and camaraderie among each member of the team they belonged to.
When they finish each activity satisfactorily they were able to earn points that entitled them to a sumptuous lunch they themselves cooked complete with all the necessary ingredients. Each of them working as a team, everyone was able to finish all the task assigned. With all the teams having a cook-out along the beach, it was indeed a scene to behold.
“The team building activity just proves that as men of CFC we can work together regardless of age, province, dialect or ministry we serve in, in
Not only SOLD members attended the conference, there are also CFC male members serving in other ministries that were present. In fact three members of Tarlac’s Provincial Councils were so engrossed and overjoyed in their participation that they offered their province to be the next host of the SOLD conference. Provincial Council members of three other provinces from Visayas and Mindanao also participated.
During the afternoon, two simultaneous workshops were conducted. One workshop moderated by Willy Padida, is designed to help the delegates how to conduct a proper Christian Life Program for every situation – whether a large one composed of twenty or more participants or even a small one that only has a few expected candidates. Every opportunity must be seized in order to bring in as many men as possible to the flock.
The delegates themselves admitted that it is the
In another workshop moderated by Jun Dujunco, writing and developing their Pastoral Formation (PFO) materials was dealt with. Several topics were given as an example - mostly dealing with the development of their manly characters as being fathers, family providers and their leadership potentials.
The light ceremony during the evening session was a solemn rite initiating every delegate to become real soldiers of the light. Robert Ardiente led everyone in deep contemplation on how to shine through despite their pains, sufferings and insufficiency.
“The overall objective of the ministry is to promote it to the whole [CFC] community as a ministry for men that would go across all ministries. It would not be age defined but would be able to cater to the needs of all men in the community. There is no single track or talk in CFC that addresses the needs of men and SOLD aims to fill in this niche. We also hope that the top leadership in CFC will see this need and help the SOLD ministry to get off the ground in their [respective] areas”, Manny Garcia said.
The message of the Servants of the Lord is loud and clear; the ministry has evolved into an integral part of the whole CFC community. Its ways and means in developing a true man of God must be adopted by all CFC men – from the members up to its top leaders.
Indeed, the real needs of today are men of good and exemplary characters.
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