08 December 2011

Are Your Team Members Ready To Take On the Responsibilities?

Most of the time the people we worked with have the capability and ability to go through with us in any given project. Sadly, in reality this is not always true.

There will always be delays in deadlines. Worse, tasks will not be done as expected of the person assigned to it. Then a problem arises that can have an impact on the progress of the project.

Frustrating, isn't it? As a project manager, we surely will do an assessment of what have happened and the things that have been done to mitigate or solve the problem that arose. We often focus on the event, but we seldom focus on the role factor of each members of the team.

The symptoms could be overlooked upon. The person has been missing deadlines or could be finger pointing and not accepting responsibilities or blaming others for every mistakes. These are the causes that must be looked into as soon as possible every time such an instance arises. After finding out the who then immediately find out the why.

There could be a lot of reasons why the person is not performing well as expected - personal, career, emotional, psychological problem. Actually the reasons could be endless including any shortcoming of the project leader himself.

Most of the reasons mentioned may be out of the control of the project manager but there are ways that they can be somehow be avoided or mitigated.

Disseminate the roles and responsibilities of each member clearly. The first thing to do is to communicate the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team. Try to give a very detailed job description for each. If possible create a Responsibility Matrix that everyone can reference upon.

For me, I am more comfortable in creating a work process flowchart. This is what I usually do and show to my team member so they would easily see how the process flows and who is responsible to what task needs to be accomplished in every instance of each processes.

Whether you use the Responsibility Matrix or a flowchart, if everyone knows what each person is supposed to do, then everything will flow smoothly and seamlessly. Know everyone you are working with, their strengths and weaknesses. This way you can have a clear picture of what tasks to be given for each of your member.

Engage and empower the team member with the main objective of the project. At this stage, everyone knows what each is supposed to do on the project. But not everyone's heart could be into the project. As the project leader, it is prudent to share your enthusiasm with your team. It is but natural for you to know the importance of the project, what it means for you, what it means for the major stakeholders, what it means for the project sponsor, and most importantly, what it means for the company.

In my previous work for a non-profit organization, aside from my regular job in IT and managing IT projects, I am also involved in every event that that organization holds. Not as the leader but as a member, assigned in the documentation. Not everyone shares the same personal values, but what we commonly share in doing the project is the belief that what we are doing we do for the Lord. This is what bonds us together, our faith and belief.

In the secular world we work in, this may not hold. But what I mean is as a project leader, we have to find a common cause that will bond the whole team together for the success of the project. One of the most common is the main objective of the project and its benefit for the company. The project leader must be able to clearly and objectively present this to the team so that all shall have a common cause to work for. Working for a cause is a unifying factor and a good motivator.

Delegate decisively and help your people take the helm within the area of his responsibility. It is a cardinal rule in project management not to micro-manage. Create committees and assign persons to handle or manage the deliverables. Remember that as a leader, it is our foremost duty to create leaders not followers. If you got to know who you are working with, it will be easy for you to pinpoint persons that you can delegate to. Allow the persons you have chosen to show what he or she's capable of. This is also called motivation. Any person that is trusted to do something that is meaningful and with a purpose can do even the most difficult task passionately. Sometimes even more than what the project leader can give.

Lastly, as any good manager will do, try to give praise - to the team, to each member, to the performer. Show them your appreciation for doing their tasks diligently. Remember that for every success each member of the team makes, is definitely a success for the project manager. You cannot be expected to do everything, but what is expected of you is to work with and lead the team for the success of the project.

Any project will only be as good as the team that worked for its success.


Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

06 December 2011

An Advent Reflection

I decided to update this blog to give it a more profound meaning as I believe this reflection is very appropriate for Advent , the season of expectations. Updated today 08 December 2011.

Image courtesy of Koratmember of freedigitalphotos.net
Expectation is one of our most profound habit in life. Whether we accept it or not, we always expect something to be given back to us - loyalty from our friends, a bonus or a promotion as reward from our work, complete obedience from our children. In everything we do expect something that must be in accord with what we want whether it is reasonable or otherwise.

In my morning prayer today, I read a book of a selection of homilies given by Fr. Johnny Go in his book 50 Something. I found a very apt reflection for this season of Advent. In the Gospel of St. Matthew 11, we were being invited to reflect and learn about St. John the Baptist's own expectation of the Lord. As Fr. Go said, "They were reasonable expectations especially with what he had done for the Lord. But as it turns out, even prophets don't always get what they expect."

The beauty of this reading is not on what was written but on what was not written - the message intended by the author of the gospel.

There are two main things to consider: First, John the Baptist had openly declared Jesus as the Lamb of God when he saw him approaching the river where he was preaching. Second, he even told his disciples that the one more worthy of him is Jesus whom two of his followers, Andrew and John, accepted and had followed Jesus as a result. This is also what he preaches and he is very clear on his mission - that he's only to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

If John the Baptist is so convicted of his mission and he knows who Jesus was, then why does he have to send messengers to ask Jesus "Are you the One who is to come or do we have to wait for another?" Such a strange question from a man who is very sure of what he preached.

Or then, maybe, what John sent Jesus was a very subtle message of what he expects from the Lord to do for him since he is languishing in prison at the time. Does he expects that the Lord will set him free? We all know that this is not what happened. His expectation was not what he got. God has other plans for him, which, maybe he had not understood at the time.

In the world we live in, always things will not turn out the way we always expect it to be. Even with people whom we relate to. We must not expect too much but try to learn to appreciate whatever or however things may turn out to be. Most often our prayers are not answered the way we want them to be answered.

As an old saying goes, "Let go and let God." Even without understanding.


Reading: Matthew 11:2-11
Fr. Johnny Go's Website: www.jcgosj.com 

24 November 2011

Keeping Our Sanity

There are times when we have to take it easy. Take off to some quiet place like a beach, a park or any place we can spend some peace and let off our mind to the stresses of our work. Not to be burdened with so many serious stuff else we burn ourselves out.

But there are also times that constrains us not to be able to take off. So what do we do?

I received this story sometime ago. I find it amusing and would like to share it with you. At least to keep our sanity.

The spoon: 
A lesson on how consultants can make a difference in an organization.

Last week, we took some friends to a new Indian restaurant, 'Muthu's Place,' and noticed that the Indian waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket.  It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I observed that he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then I looked around and saw that all the Indian staff had spoons in their pockets. When the waiter came back to serve our soup I inquired, 'Why the spoon?' 

'Well, 'he explained, 'the restaurant's owner hired Andersen Consulting to revamp all of our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently  dropped utensil It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.' 

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he replaced it with his spare. 'I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now..' I was impressed.

I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the Indian waiter's fly.

Looking around, I saw that all of the Indian waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So, before he walked off, I asked the waiter, 'Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?'

 'Oh, certainly!' Then the Indian waiter lowered his voice. 'Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also learned that we can save time in the restroom. By tying this string to the tip of our you-know-what, we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39%.'

I asked quietly, 'After you get it out, how do you put it back?'
'Well,' he whispered, 'I don't know about the others, but I use the spoon.'

Haha! Ok, back to work!

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

11 November 2011

Database Threats 101: SQL Injection

Here I will treat you to a visual tour on the largest source of hacking methodology: SQL Injection attacks. What is SQL Injection and how is it done?

Or by Using a Hacking Tool


How to get the Havij tool? You can either buy a licensed copy here:

IT Security Research and Penetration Testing Team Web Site

or download the cracked copy here: Cracked version of HaviJ

How to create your defenses

04 November 2011

Is Cloud Computing For You?

Wondering what cloud computing is or what it can do for you?

Cloud computing has been with us for quite a time. When the internet was first becoming popular, it was very trendy for companies to make their presence in cyber space by having or developing their own web sites. However, most of these are of the static (HTML) type.

As the development of more sophisticated script languages came, the more interactive the internet became. Thus came the more engaging social messaging and  photo sharing on the internet. Web sites that offer these services sprouted like mushrooms: Photobucket, Picasa, flickr for photo storage and photo album sharing; MySpace, Friendster and the most popular these days: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for networking and virtual interaction  with your friends, whether just around the corner or as far as anywhere in the world. This new trend evolve into what is now popularly known as social media or social networking. Whatever interest or profession you may have, you will surely find a social site where you can join in.

The era of cloud experimentation is now over. Cloud computing is a success and has now become a part of our lives - as a person and as a consumer.

Today's consumer trend is to engage socially

The phenomenal success of the social media trend brought new mobile devices, most notably the smartphones and the tablet, which made it easier for consumers to engage in their social activities when or where ever they want to. Even at work.

Some companies even allow their employees to cyberloaf. Human Resource Executive Online recently issued a report on its study about the effect of internet surfing and employees engaging on social media while at work. According to the report it can be a restorative function for employees to cyberloaf and could thus lead to more productivity. Though this finding is still debatable, there is no reason for enterprises not to grab the opportunity to be where the action is. Wherever a large number of consumers congregate, there is a market present. And in this virtual world, there is no other way to make your presence felt than to have a 24/7 interaction with your customers.

Business and social interaction

For enterprises, cloud computing has also progressed from a simple pumping out of information to a more engaging inter-active experience with its customers.

Having a presence in the virtual interaction with the market is called social media marketing. According to Wikipedia, the term Social Media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue.

Social media marketing is on the rise according to a survey conducted by Burson Marsteller, a leading global public relations firm. This is just to prove how companies are responding to this new business/marketing trend. However, the report also shows that firms going the way of the cloud lack a real perspective and long term strategy to conduct its presence.

As in any social interaction within a community, building a trusted relationship is the key to building or sustaining relationships. This is the long standing norm, even in the non-virtual world. Leadership is built upon trust.

The way to do it in the cyberworld is by content management which could revolve around the emotional impact of the product and services. This strategy is nothing new as this is done ever since marketing has been invented. Though its presentation has improved.

Enterprise trends for the next 5 years
Consumer cloud trend is on the positive note and still growing. How about enterprise cloud trends?

For the last two decades, all technological innovations and efforts centered on the automation and improvements of efficiency within the confines of the corporate organizations. It was epitomized by a server-client or mainframe environment. The era of computing somehow distributed the work processes to the different business units which the Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP applications provided. It enabled information or data sharing within the corporation.

As cloud computing progresses, so is collaborative efforts among business partners, this is referred to as B2B. Supply chain management is a critical function in decision making. This involves the buying, making, moving and selling processes. If any of the links involve breaks down then a big problem arises which may be costly to repair.

With the web and internet facility this collaboration expedites the sharing of information and workflow process - from quotes/proposal submission, purchase orders issuance, shipment notifications and remittance of payments - among business partners.

Cost effective cloud services
If you are just starting or planning for the cloud, the question might be "should we go on public cloud or have a private cloud?"

It will really depend on the organization, but having a private cloud might be a very expensive venture, especially if one is just starting up to bring their business into the cloud. There are a lot of things to consider: hardware, software and personnel are just some of the most important.

On the other hand, there are already a lot of distinguishable companies offering the right cloud solution for any size of business. This is easier to deploy and you can rely on the support of the business partner you have selected.

If security is the main concern, well, a private cloud does not guarantee a more secured infrastructure but on how defense parameters are established. 

Is Cloud Computing for you?
For consumers, definitely.

For enterprises, a mere ERP is outdated - from a structured data mining to a more algorithmic search for a more robust information, as well as collaboration.

Collaborating not only with your customers but your business partners will ensure your leadership in whatever industry you are involved.


Further Reading:
Networkworld article on cloud computing
Business Insider Article on Social Media
Building strategic relationship through social media (content management strategies)
Social Media Examiner: Small Business and Facebook
Social Media Examiner: How Content Marketing Build Trusted Relationship

A Chance Each Day

Each morning when we wake up, a CHANCE is given to us...

a "CHANCE" to enjoy life to its fullest...

a "CHANCE" to correct the mistake of yesterdays...

a "CHANCE" to forgive...

a "CHANCE" to ask for forgiveness...

and a "CHANCE" to love and to be loved.

Don't miss every chance that we receive every morning as we wake up. It's God's way of loving us.

01 November 2011

The Power of Words

Words are our God-given tools with which we have the power either to hurt or to heal; to destroy or to build.

20 October 2011

Security Threat Most System Administrators Are Not Aware Of

Most System Administrators are always well-informed about external threats to any computer systems they are administering. Their server rooms or data center, in case of large organizations, is equipped with the latest devices and software to counter these threats. External threats may be the biggest doom for any System Administrators, but there are also threats that can be as risky - threats and attacks from within. And would you be surprised if I say that employees are the biggest source of internal security threats.

However, much of these are done by corporate users unintentionally, more out of ignorance than out of arrogance. Employees just do the things they know how to, without even trying to learn the consequences of their actions. Below I listed some of the more popular issues employees make that make them an internal security threat:

Employees are most often the cause of virus infections
There are several ways corporate users unknowingly infect the network with viruses. First and most common is the clicking without thinking habit. Oftentimes it happens when an employee receives an email with an attachment even if the email came from someone they do not know. Their curiosity will get the better of them. It is only after several hours or could even be days that the user will send a complaint to the IT department. Which at this time the virus might have already spread to a large number of computers inside the company network.

Another common way employees infect viruses in the company network is through those common USB dongles or SD cards. These devices are used to connect into different computers or devices other than those that belong to the network. If the computer the dongle or card was attached on has a very weak security or anti-virus system, then surely it is capable of infecting other computers. This is also another way of spreading the virus within the network.

Improper use of passwords
The most common issue among employees. Aside from not knowing how critical having a strong password is, users can sometimes make the mistake of lending their passwords to other co-workers. This practice is common among those who have close relationships with each other. But the trouble comes when the passing of the password become out of control. The original user might not be able to trace how far the password may have traveled to.

Incorrect use of file sharing/permissions
Even if a company has an ERP system running on its network, every user will have its own file directory stored on their workstation. And mind you that these files are sure to contain valuable company data. Some of these confidential data may be stored on networked storage. The trouble is they do not know how to secure these folders and leave the default permission as is, which is easy to share with or "networkable". This could lead to trouble if accessed by unauthorized or disgruntled employees.

Unauthorized machines or devices
Sometimes employees may bring their own laptops or phone to the office. Either they use it in their work or for other reasons. Most likely it is to connect into the company internet connection. Either they use it for internet surfing or for work, the device will be able to enter the company network. If the security system of that device is low then it is a possible source of a threat.

Unauthorized use of the internet
Let's face it, internet usage has become somewhat indispensable to the way we work. Whether the company uses the cloud or not, employees will in one way or another have to access the internet in the performance of their tasks. But you cannot monitor each user's internet usage every hour of the day. System administrators may institute some policies and rules, but these are oftentimes not being followed. Some may block some web sites, but when employees learn how to use proxies, then a work around the firewall is possible. When this happens then productivity suffers or worse, the web site visited may contain malware that can potentially harm the network without the employee realizing it.

Unauthorized installations of software
I've seen some companies who are very lax in the administration of their networks. Most of the time this is also due to management not being aware of the different threats in their company network. They do not want so stringent rules. But giving in to this situation will bring trouble not only to the company network but to the System Administrator himself. Surely, this laxity will be exploited by employees. If this happens, you will find different types of applications and software not necessary for the work of the employees installed in their workstation. Most of these unauthorized applications are for gaming. Or if not, the worse is that the applications will by unlicensed. Software piracy means a very costly trouble for the company.

These are the most common ways employees become an internal threat to any company network. There could be other ways. Every System administrators must be aware of this else it becomes their disadvantage. They must also learn how to teach each employees the proper way to use the computer, how to keep safe online and their limitations in using company network. Management must also support policies on internet, email and company network usage formulated by the System Administrators. They were hired to do their work in protecting company networks from all threats - external and internal.

The Power of Team-Work

Remember this Coke ad? It's a bit entertaining but it does have a subtle message - what team work can achieve.

17 October 2011

A Most Fulfilling Opportunity For Any Project Manager

Recently, I had a meeting with a friend who consulted me regarding his office computer network. There I was able to meet a young and affable businessman who has a heart for the poor youth. His business is into web development specializing in graphics. As we were discussing some business ideas, he raised his desire to put up a program to help the underprivileged youth and train them in graphic design. I let him explain, but the idea he presented was for me, still very vague. It is a noble intention worthy to be pursued. With careful planning it can be a very fulfilling project. For him and for any project manager.

Since, I was once involved in a program who ministered to youth development and poverty alleviation, as a project manager I offered him some concrete ideas on how to make his noble desire a reality and most importantly, viable and sustainable.

I presented to him three deliverables: Education, Employability or Entrepreneurship, Excellence and Ethics. These three, I believe are the most important aspects in developing the youth to help them gain talents which they can use to alleviate their economic condition and to become responsible citizens of this country.

In my experience with the out of school youth, their academic life starts to wane when they reach an age where they are able to find menial jobs, or worse, a gang where they feel they can belong to. Most are males. Statistics show that males are the most susceptible to drop out of school not only because of poverty but mainly for lack of proper guidance from parents or guardians. When they turn to neighborhood gangs, their lives turn to hooliganism. Sad, but it is very true and this is the reality. Thereafter they are stuck to doing menial jobs most of their lives because they lack the necessary skills or training.

The first process then is to enhance their basic literacy in the three R's - reading, writing and arithmetic. My experience shows that these youth may be able to read, but can only comprehend a little of what they have read. It is understandable since most of them might only have three or four years of schooling.

Fortunately, the education department has a program for these out of school youth. It is called the Non-Formal Education Program or NFE. The youth does not have to be enrolled in a formal school setting but will be taught lessons that can enhance their comprehension guided by an DepEd accredited NFE teacher. After completing the required lessons, a certification shall be awarded to the youth depending on the level of the NFE training - elementary or high school - they received. But this program is not a substitute for the formal education, it is only a stop gap remedy for the youth to catch up on the lost years he should have been in school. Enhancing their capacity to comprehend is the objective of the first deliverable.

Employability or Entrepreneurship
After their comprehension and literacy is satisfied, then it becomes viable to give them skill training to make them employable or better to enhance their entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's get back to what was discussed - graphic design. Teaching them just the basics of graphic designing won't be enough. We have to take into consideration the environment they lived and grew up in. What influenced them. In my experience, I found that their paradigms and creativity, though they may have the talent, are limited. Mainly due to lack of self-confidence or knowledge.

Therefor in designing a curriculum for their graphic design training, how to appreciate art - classical, abstract, contemporary - has to be included. This would then be the foundation of their graphic and artistic talent,confidence and paradigm building.

Excellence and Ethics
Lastly, but importantly, they have to be taught how to love their work or trade and how to be competitive in the real world. Remember they may have come from a home or community environment that is less than desirable. They may have been gang members living on the edge or in conflict with the law. Thus, it is also important that they have to undergo moral and personality development.

Business is governed by ethical standards. There are written or unwritten rules that must be respected. In other words, to succeed, one has to have integrity. He has to earn respectability by being trustworthy not only in his work or trade but in life, whether he is employed or a businessman or tradesman.

Fulfillment of a Project Manager
As in any project or program, it has to be viable and sustainable. There will always be a lot of processes involved. Helping and training the poor to alleviate his economic condition is not an exemption. If is to be done, it has to be done in an exemplary way. The project presented here may be taken as one holistic approach if budget and resources will permit or may be broken down into smaller and more manageable endeavor.

People development are more complex but has a far reaching effect on one's inner being than developing any product or services. But if done with love and  inspiration, it will be the most fulfilling opportunity for any project manager. Nothing beats achieving an objective that benefits people in need. Take my word for it.

13 October 2011

So What If It Isn't Working As Planned?

You and everyone else thought you have a wonderful project plan. All seemed to be well thought out. The team is on a high note and are raring to start. The other stakeholders are just about as excited and are more than willing to give you the budget and their most sought-after approval and support. Great!

The project is going fine and according to schedule. However, towards some stages, problems keep on cropping up threatening the whole project. There could be a number of reasons why projects can falter aside from a bad project plan design: office politics, vendor delays, equipment malfunctions, or even team members' waning or lack of interests.

When everything seems to be going adversely, what do we do? Of course there is no use fretting or sulking in a corner. Rather, make it an opportunity to show and test the mettle of your leadership.

First, we have to admit the problem exists. Don't play the blame game, nothing will come out of it. Rather, as the leader of the team, have the guts to accept the problem exists and is staring us in the face. Avoiding it or sidestepping on it will not help in hurdling the problem. If it is an oversight, have the courage to let it be known by all the stakeholders squarely.

Second, make the necessary adjustments or changes. Once you have admitted the problem exists, gather all your strengths and assets to make all the necessary adjustments on the original plan. This option is sometimes the only way to save the project and worse, your job or your career. Document everything especially the changes that have to be done. After you have made a viable secondary option, share it with all those concerned - from the one with greatest influence to the one with the least. Do not leave anyone out in the cold. Remember three things: one, communication is always the key to success; two, teamwork can spell the difference, no one person can take all the credits; and three, the blame cannot be shared but will only fall on one shoulder - yours.

Third, reach out to all the persons concerned - team members, stakeholders even second or third parties that may be involved. Negotiate, compromise, whatever it takes to complete the project. Take also into consideration the culture and the politics involve within the organization. Use the political inclination of each influential stakeholder and use it to the advantage of the project.

Sometimes all it takes is a little courage to straighten things out and come out blazing. Again, it all starts from you.

Further Reading Resources:
What to do when your solution doesn't work
Ron Ashkenas: Use Office Politics to Your Advantage
Ron Askenas: Why you should question your culture

10 October 2011

Evolution or Extinction?

An organization is a place where people of diverse backgrounds and competencies converge. Where people function according to the abilities they can contribute. A place where they are finally given the opportunity to show their prowess after years of training and studies.

But an organization is never static, it is dynamic. It has to evolve with the changing times or be left out and die. The same is true with the people involved in the organization. People has to be able to keep pace with the ever changing environment and the way tasks are done. What they have trained for years might not anymore be suitable tomorrow.

Take for instance the world of computers and technology, the pace is hectic and dizzying. With this kind of situation an IT person has no other choice but to evolve as fast. Newer technologies are ever changing the way consumers and enterprises do their computing tasks - tablets, the clouds and mobility. The rules keep on changing, there is no room for stagnation. So how do we keep with the pace? Below I share the right moves I have done. These tips are based on my experiences and could be considered an expert advise. I am sure that these are not limited to the environment I work with.

1. Keep abreast with the latest technology or techniques. Knowledge is power. With the power of the internet information and reading materials are readily available than it was say, ten or fifteen years ago. It is now easy to find the right materials and information to hone your skills and learning. Do not let your competencies stagnate to what it was three or five years ago. Try to learn new abilities and skills. Education is a constant renewal and development of  yourself.

2. Change your attitude. First it all starts with you and you alone. No one can do it for you. Either you  use your time wisely or not, it all depends on you alone. I've seen many people who have not developed their yearning for knowledge, or even if they do, they seem can't find the time to do it. There are also people who are afraid or do not have the confidence to show their creativity and talent. These people seem to be content to be followers, not innovators. All great men are innovators. They were able to to conquer their own self and have mustered the courage to stand up and show the way.

3. Be pro-active. You work in an organization that is always on the go. There are people working with you. You do not work alone, you have to work as a team.There will always be tasks to be done by the team. But everything does not always work like clockwork. There will be times that problem will arise and this is not seldom, I tell you. Try to understand the whole work process you are involved with and be aware of each member's or the team's progress. Try to help other team members if you find that they are having a hard time doing their task and if they are holding back the team. Do not wait for a problem to develop before you make your move and react. Act ahead and act decisively.

So there you have it, some words of wisdom, though it may not be complete but otherwise are very important, to help you evolve with the fast changing time. Do not allow to see yourself irrelevant, out there in the rain, out of job or worse, depressed and longing for the time and opportunity that was lost. Evolution or extinction, its your only option.

09 September 2011

5 Leadership Qualities Petting A Dog Can Teach You

If you want to keep a pet, most likely it will be a dog. Either a dog with a pedigree for status quo or that ubiquitous village dog we call Aspin or Askal to serve as the household guard dog. But petting a dog should be more of a learning and fulfilling experience. If you would have your dog for companionship, a relationship must be built between the two of you. Training is essential to make him well behaved and to let your dog know what you want or do not want.

Dogs are naturally social animal. They live in a group called a pack. Every pack is like a community in which hierarchy exists where there is one regarded as the pack leader. In your home or territory the pack leader should be you, your dog must understand that he belonged to the lowest rung in the hierarchy of the household. This is where your leadership is brought to the test.

There are five leadership qualities that petting a dog can teach you: communication skill, trustworthiness, discipline, confidence and responsibility.

Communication Skill
The first thing that you must fully develop in yourself is communication skill. Why? Between two different specie you and your dog will be talking in different languages. So you have to learn how you can make your dog understand what you require of him. This is not really a big problem as there are techniques you can use to convey your message. Sign language is one tool that you can use together with your verbal command. After learning how to give your command and require obedience from your dog, relating to him also require that you learn how he expresses his feelings. Learning how they communicate will help you understand their moods and wants. Once the communication gap is bridged then the relationship can really be successful.

Relationship is an action and reaction situation - a good act shall reap a corresponding good reaction. Animals do have feelings and sensibilities too. They know how to fear, to be traumatized, to exert their wants and could challenge your leadership. One of the most admiring characteristic of dogs is their loyalty. They will serve you to their end, even die for you. They will be loyal but in return you have to properly care for them. They shall be depending on you for their upkeep - food, health, shelter and their total well-being.

Keeping your pet also requires a healthy life and the most effective way of keeping fit, not only your dog's but for you as well is an exercise regiment. OK, we are all busy with full daily schedule - professional, family, social and spiritual. So how could we still insert a time for your pet's exercise? This where the discipline to manage time comes in. A daily walk as exercise requires no more than 30 minutes to an hour. Why not wake up 30 minutes earlier for the exercise? A well managed time also makes your day a non-stressful day. So both of you are benefited with a healthy life.

Your dog looks up to you as the pack leader. Being a leader requires an aura of confidence. Once he sensed that you lack the confidence, you cannot exert your full authority. If that happens, he can challenge your leadership or may not be as obedient as you would require.

Keeping dogs or any animals carries our responsibility to the community where we live. There are rules, regulations and laws we have to be aware of. Like preventing them to stray and could endanger neighbors, especially children.

Do you think you have these five qualities of leadership? If not, then I advise you to keep a dog and practice, it could bring a change in your career or life.

11 April 2011

Helping The Poor Goes Beyond Rhetorics

Dole outs have been proven by time not to be the solution to help the poor. It comes in many forms accomplishing nothing but the satisfaction of the ego. Used and abused by those who professed to be benevolent benefactors. Rhetorics will not alleviate their poor condition, instead they will only remain in the mire they are trapped in. The cycle of poverty will just continue dragging with them their hopes and dreams.

Empathizing with the poor will help you to understand that what they want most of all is to keep their dignity. That they receive dole outs does not mean they would like to rely on it but are merely forced by circumstances to satisfy their immediate and pressing needs for the moment. If you sit with them and try to listen, what you will hear is their yearning to be given the opportunity to labor or to have stable jobs to sustain themselves and their family's basic needs - food, clothing, education. They are human after all.

Helping the poor has evolved into a social science. It is an effort that is not done haphazardly with mitigating motives. It is done with a heartfelt undertaking. Carefully planned and implemented.

A sustainable project that can be nourished progressively is the key to alleviate their condition. A program that will ensure that their long term need shall be met. Providing them with opportunities to become productive members of society. One step at a time.

No one man or organization nor the government itself can alleviate their condition doing it alone. It must be a communal endeavor where every member has a role even the beneficiary himself, for it is his future that is at stake.

A development partnership or coordination among major players such as government, development organizations and corporations is the other key to poverty alleviation. Everyone must have a stake in the development of the community:

1. The not for profit organizations that specializes on community development each with its own unique programs for the poor - education, skills training, livelihood, counseling, even micro-financing.

2. The government provides the necessary infrastructure and resources, including funding. It may also integrate their own programs to supplement the project.

3. Privately held Corporations to provide for additional funding and sometimes human resources. Responsible corporations have included it in their mission to be active participants in social development. In times of profits, they set aside certain funds to give something back to the community that contributed to their profitability. It is better to spend these hard earned money prudently. Even marketing funds must be spent astutely to achieve a long lasting effect on their consumers - whether for customer retention or for winning new ones. A development project will have more positive impact to the people and their community.

4. The beneficiary to actively participate in the molding of his future. He must understand that the project is not being force-fed but requires a voluntary participation.

There now lies the difference. A dole gives them joy for the moment. Opportunities give them joy for a lifetime.

Note: The author has worked with Gawad Kalinga, an organization that is committed to poverty alleviation through community development.

13 February 2011

Corruption Kills!

In a statement made by the FSGO, a group of former government officials, it was corruption that led former Sec. Angelo Reyes to his death. It is true. I believe it is.

Before his death Sec. Reyes planned to issue his own statement, wherein he stated that when he got into the government he was already walking into a culture of corruption. A situation every neophyte will have to learn to live with - dance with the tune or turn a blind eye.

Corruption has long been a major disease that ails our country, not only in the military but in every services of the government. It has become endemic in our culture that what it needs is a major surgical operation to completely remove it from our society. No one person, even the President, or group like the Church can do it alone. And I don't expect it to be finished in my lifetime.

The ongoing investigation of corruption in the Senate must continue even with the death of the person they have trained their guns on. It should be pursued with vigorous statesmanship and patriotism and not become another worthless endeavor as what they are famous for. Sadly, nothing has ever come out of these Senate investigations, nothing has been achieved except for a show of their seemingly intellectual prowess and arrogance.

There are evidences and facts that supports the notion that corruption is one of the main source
of poverty anywhere in the world. The Philippines, a developing nation, included. It is very much in evidence as we can glean on the scarce activities in our economy.

If what killed former Secretary Angelo Reyes is corruption, then how many more ordinary people been killed by this cancer in our society.

How many jobless Filipinos driven to despair have committed suicide?

How many desperate mothers have committed suicide because they can no longer bear seeing their children go hungry?

How many babies were killed through abortion because their mothers do not have the means to sustain them?

Corruption has robbed us of the basic and essential services we must have or are all entitled to as guaranteed by the constitution. Corruption has robbed us of the necessary investments to create jobs and stimulate economic activities.

I hope that the honorable gentlemen of our country realize that they can not protect their circle forever.

12 February 2011

Do I Need Expensive Devices for My Computing Needs?

Recently, my attention was caught by an article about what device you prefer to work with. Nowadays, with the advent of so many computing devices including the so-called smartphones, it has become harder to decide. Especially if you will consider the price factor.
However, it only boils down on whatever your needs are. I myself has learned to use two devices for my computing needs. Both are of mobile category but not the expensive types - I'm using a wifi capable myPhone QW28 with java installed. With it I can also access my email and social network sites on the go just as you can access them with an expensive smartphone. I also use it as my eBook reader.
I keep my needs as simple as possible - my IT related work on systems and database; my personal needs - writing, photo processing and social connectivity. Wherever I may be.
I have started my transition to cloud computing, that is all my files, contacts, calendars and everything else, I have been uploading them to my Google account. I do not want to buy a desktop/server to store all my files as they are expensive. Besides, maintaining two or more computers is a tedious job.
Google has almost everything you need - word processing, spreadsheet and even presentation. Attending seminars and conferences, I use the Google Notebook for my notes. Most of these venues have wifi facilities.
Connectivity nowadays is not a problem anymore - wifi is almost available anywhere you go, and if it is not, there is the GSM which you can use through your phone or a usb type broadband device which you can attach to your notebook or netbook.
I use my phone a lot now to connect and access my files in the clouds whenever I'm on the go. It is more convenient than toting your notebook or netbook along every time. Another advantage of cloud computing is I don't have to use a flash disk to transfer files. I really am not a fan of these devices as they tend to be easily infected by viruses that can harm any of my computing device. If you need to transfer any files, just access your files from the clouds and download or forward them to anyone. It is a lot safer. Google's security is mostly commendable so you do not have to worry about viruses and hackers.
With this infrastructure available, why would you need expensive devices or very large capacity hard disks for your computer? How your device can connect to the clouds and its capability to process your files are the only factors you have to consider if you are buying a device. Cost is not a hindrance anymore to be able to be productive or to satisfy your needs for computing.
No, I don't need expensive smartphones or computers.